One of the most common messages I get from social media messages is ‘what books would you recommend me’ & ‘What’s trading’?
And people are always seeking the best information about trading, but many don’t know what information will contribute.
So I’ve decided to put together a collection of books that I believe will level up your trading abilities and give you a much stronger approach towards the markets.
Many of these books will help you understand what is trading, and how you can become successful from trading by investing your money correctly, they also share technical charting patterns that can assist you in your trading.
Regardless whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced trader, the compilation of these books will help you widen your knowledge about the markets, whether it’s Forex, stocks and even Crypto-Currencies, so there’s always something here for all sorts of traders and beginners.
1. Trading In The Zone By Mark Douglas
Trading in the zone was originally published in 2000 but it took Mark Douglas 7 years to write the book.
This is the best book ever written about trading in my own opinion, and that’s because its focus on psychology and human emotion is so accurate that most traders who read it can relate so much to it, that instantly they become aware of their mistakes and improve their trading skills.

Trading In The Zone By Mark Douglas
It’s filled with information and advice of all sorts of stuff you might come across in trading which you can always relate to if you’ve already read the book, it even shows you how to anticipate the market for future movements just by the psychology alone, a really powerful tool if mastered.
This book is a MUST read for every trader who’s aspiring to be the best in this field, as this book has been dubbed as ‘The Book Of Grail’ by most traders.
2. Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom By Van K.Tharp
This book here is hands down, no exception, one of the best trading books out there.
Regardless of what you’ve heard about trading or how to trade this book here will provide one of the most important information’s about trading.
It’s simplicity in words, and explanation is as clear as how you would say your name.

Trade your way to financial freedom by Van K.Tharp
The book is based on Tharp’s new 17-step trading model where he shows you a variety of tools and patterns on the charts, it also features interviews with past traders who give some insightful information from their experience, and lastly the most important which we traders consider the ‘Holy Grail Of Trading’ it explains risk management and risk – reward in a really orderly manner.
3. Way Of The Turtle : The Secret Methods That Turned Ordinary People Into Legendary Traders By Curtis M.Faith
The way of the turtle is a unique book if it’s own because the information found in this book doesn’t just consist from one person, but a group of individuals that go by the name ‘Turtles’.
Top earner and elite trader Turtle Curtis Faith lays out his blueprint on how he recruited 23 regular people by the help of his two friends Dennis & Eckhardt and transformed them into astonishing traders in just a matter of 14 days.

he Secret Methods That Turned Ordinary People Into Legendary Traders by Curtis M.Faith
This book is phenomenal for beginners, or if you’re uncertain on where you should start as a trader then this book is for you as it will shine a light that will act as a start-up for you and guide you the right way.
4. Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator By Edwin Lefèvre.
Published in 1923 when the Forex market wasn’t even digital globally, it follows the fictionalised account of the life of trader Jesse Livermore.
This book here is one of the most read trading books in the entire world, with some people quoting that what it taught them, was more than what they’ve learnt throughout their entire lives.

Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator By Edwin Lefèvre
The book is based on the story of Livermores progression in trading, starting off as a day trader in which was called ‘New England Bucket Shops’ back in the old age, which was a place where traders would trade stocks, making it all the way to Wall Street where he made vast fortunes and lost those fortunes multiple of times, Livermore explains that he learnt really crucial lessons along the way, in which he happily shares with the readers.
This book is a MUST read if you’re struggling with any psychological issues in the market, such as holding your trades for too long, or being afraid to place trades, definitely on my top list for traders to read.
5. Market Wizards: Interviews With Top Traders By Jack D.Schwager
Market Wizards was first published in 1989 and it follows the path of Jack D.Schwager in his journey interviewing traders who have outstanding track records in consistency and profitability in the commodities market.
The book is segmented into four parts, which cover interviews Schwager had with professional traders who share their experience in trading, and telling us how they got to the level which they are at now.

Market Wizards: Interviews With Top Traders
The way the interviews are conducted are really unique and they tap deep into your brain and heart because these traders not only tell us how they’ve achieved such amazing results but they also share their philosophies with us, which I think is a high grade contribution to understanding the markets.
After Schwager finishes each interview he highlights the most important factors about what the trader mentions during the interview, this way Schwager breaks down the most important stuff to keep note of, and work your way around these notes to improve your trading.
6. Naked Forex By Alex Nekritin and Walter Peters
Naked Forex is a 3 part book written by Alex Nekritin and Walter Peters, two elite traders who share their trading techniques through trading without technical analysis.
Today, everyone has a belief that in order to trade the markets you must use some sort of instruments but these two traders prove us wrong by successfully trading the markets without any instruments but relying on price itself and utilising the markets psychology.

Naked Forex High-Probability Techniques for Trading Without Indicators
A book that has the simplest techniques that even the most novice trader can pick up a new skill that will help them in their trading career.
7. Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets by Stan Weinstein
Weinstan wrote this book in 1988 sharing his profitable strategy in hopes of assisting as many readers as possible with their trading. The book highlights how Weinstein used his analytical techniques to trade the market which even to this day are remarkable and still used.
Weinstein ideology is that someone shouldn’t just focus on what the news says because it can act as a psychological manipulator that gives false dreams, and instead use technical analysis, and market cycles that stocks usually pass through to trade the market and predict what it could potentially do.

Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets by Stan Weinstein
He also pin points the power of specific patterns that traders can use to get accurate buying and selling entries, it might seem obvious to a few people but to amateurs and beginners they could be quite difficult.
Regardless, this is a really remarkable book that I read and it’s helped me a lot in identifying patterns and understanding quickly what’s happening in the charts.